Wednesday, June 11, 2008


What do you think about life? Life to many means enjoying to the fullest/maximum.. They would go all out just to enjoy themselves. Even to extent of taking drugs.
I just want to know how many of you out there actually take drugs? Why are you taking drugs? there must be reasons right??Are you taking drugs because you are having problems, or are you unhappy with your current states and need to forget your problems for a while and thus you are resorting to taking drugs? Or are you taking it for medical purposes and ended up being a chronic drug user? Or maybe you are taking it because its the 'IN' thing nowadays??
If you have answered YES to any of this questions,that means you are in BIG trouble..Let me tell you a story about my friend Susan. She was a very beautiful girl with a big future ahead of her. Many of her friends predicted that she will be migrating to overseas and having a big job with Wall Street. But, unfortunately, my friend Susan is not alive anymore..... She died last year as a result of her drug addiction to cocaine...
How did she ended up in grave? Well, she wants to be with the 'IN' crowd..You know, popular , rich kids..Susan is from a middle average income family. But her parents worked hard and put her into a famous residential school. All the rich kids in the neighbourhood goes there. When she arrived there, the crowd didn't actually accepted here..Well her clothes are not from Gucci or Prada or Versace..But, its hands-me-down clothes.Her shoes are not from Manolo Blahnik or Jimmy Choos. But, cheap one that you can buy at a mall..
She didn't have any friends there. Nobody wanted to talk to her, or sat with her at recess or be her lab partner. She was all alone. I pitied her. But, I cannot do much. I am going to a normal school and she's going to a private school. And then one day, she told me a secret...She is now accepted into the crowd...I was surprised!!Mainly because she is still wearing her old clothes and all..We were wondering HOW??
Then I found out. Susan has been taking cocaine. The 'IN' crowd accepted her because she is following their ways now.. I was surprised and angry..I tried to advice her...I even took her to the nearest drug rehabilitation centre...But, nothing worked.. She began to distance herself from me... And then I got accepted into a college in another state..I lost contact with her for sometimes..One day, I received a call from my mother. She was crying on the phone..It seems Susan was hospitalised and she wants to see me..I was shocked when my mother told me Susan, my best frien is on her death bed..
The next day, I went to see her... I was so sad looking at her. She was all rags and bones...and..and... there were no words to describe her at all...She was looking so pathetic... Susan told me her story.. After I went off to college, she dropped out of school..Because her addiction was getting worse day by day...She started to steal money from her parents to support her life style.. When they found ou, they kicked her out of the house...And still that didn't stop her addiction..She need more cocaine. For that she needs money..
Nobody is willing to give her money..So, she started prostituting herself.. Because she even contracted AIDS because she changed a lot of partners...And now she is on her death bed with no family or friends..She was grateful that I still came to see her for the last time..Susan was sad beacuse she didn't heed my advices..I didn't have anymore words to say to her..I was just crying and crying and crying...That day,Susan died in my arms..I lost my best friend to drugs..
Is this what you want to end up? Like my friend Susan..Just because you wanted to be accepted into the crowd, you started taking drugs..Is this what life is worth about??.. Did GOD created us for this?? Did our mother gave birth to us, so that we will end up in the grave earlier than her..Must we pay a high price just to enjoy ourself for a short while??..
I started this blog with my friends in the hope of educating young people about drugs..I sincerely hope that nobody will be going the way my friend ended up..
.Life is worth enjoying..GOD created us with brains, so please use it well..If you are taking drugs, please stop it..Get help!! If you are planning on taking drugs,STOP it now!!



Anonymous said...

It was so sad reading your post!! But I wouldn't blame anybody.After all, we make choices and we have to live with it.Your friend choose to take drug and pay with her own life.Its her own life after all...

Anonymous said...

Why do you care so much?? Its my choice!!Ok.... I'm a drug user...But, I don't give any trouble to anybody...I don't steal, I don't kill,I don't molest little children...